Digital Learning Hub
We have compiled the best of online digital resources to support learning and exploration and subject specific resources used actively by students within the school. Such resources will help parents and teachers to feed the curiosity of growing minds and inspire them to think broadly across the curriculum.
Simply click on the logo to be taken to the digital resource. Some subject specific resources will require individual student log in details. All students that require access will have these details.
- The Nine to Five with Stacey Dooley
- Tricky Business
- Domino’s pizza – a slice of life
- The wonderful World of Chocolate
- Amazon: What they know about us
- Inside the Factory
- Fashions dirty secrets with Stacey Dooley
- Food unwrapped
- Inside Aldi
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
- How To Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie
- In Search of Excellence – Tom Peters & Waterman
- The Effective Executive – Peter Drucker
- Strengths Finder 2.0 – Tom Rath
- Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies – Jim Collins
- Good To Great – Jim Collins
- Think & Grow Rich: The Secret to Wealth Updated for the 21st Century – Napolean Hill
Find tutorial and examples of how to code in python, topic and techniques are clear making it very user friendly
Python Getting Started ( -
Find tutorial and examples of how to code in HTML, topic and techniques are clear making it very user friendly
HTML Tutorial ( - Learn how to write computer programs using programming languages like C# or Python.
Learn to Code - for Free | Codecademy
- Learn the fundamental building blocks of coding which is computational thinking through play.
Find tutorials and examples of how to code in python, topic and techniques are clear making it very user friendly
Python Getting Started ( -
Online integrated development environment (IDE). This will allow you to type and run code online.
Home - Replit
- GCSE Computer Science - OCR - BBC Bitesize
- Free access to a large number of video created specifically for OCR GCSE computer science Craig'n'Dave - YouTube
Design and Technology
Free home learning resources for all ages in science, technology, engineering and maths.
Seneca Learning
Fun KS3 Design and Technology revision quizzes to teach students in Year 7, Year 8, and Year 9.
The V&A
Here you can explore the museum collection from your own home and there are learning activities on here.
Technology Student
This website contains numerous information sheets and exercises to enhance the study, understanding and teaching of DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY.
BBC Bitesize – Food
Help with your homework, revision and learning. This is available for students of all Key stages. Click here to open the website.
BBC Bitesize – Textiles
Oak National Academy
Digital learning hub Info for KS4
BBC Bitesize – Textiles
Help with your homework, revision and learning.
Food Preparation and Nutrition
Seneca is a free online revision platform. This is available for GCSE Food preparation and nutrition students.
Dynamic Learning / Hodder Education
Dynamic Learning is an online subscription that supports students with exam question​practice. It includes interactive resources, self-marking tests and assessment. This is available for GCSE Food preparation and nutrition students.
Design and Technology
Seneca presents learners with an animation, card or video based upon the topic that the learner is studying.
Free Access to Streamed Productions from the National Theatre:
Login details and instructions will be uploaded onto Google Classroom (note for MFO: attached for your reference but we can't publish the login details on the website).
GCSE Resources from BBC Bitesize:
Careers in Theatre:
Theatres and Theatre Companies:
Royal Shakespeare Company:
The National Theatre:
The Young Vic:
Victoria and Albert Museum Theatre Collection:
Frantic Assembly:
KS3 useful websites:
- BBC bite size
There’s lots here to consolidate your knowledge. Both English literature and language resources information quizzes available.
- Lit Charts
From the creators of SparkNotes. Guides to your set texts including Macbeth, A Christmas Carol, Animal farm etc.
- No Fear Shakespeare
The full text of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets side-by-side with translations into modern English. Study guide also include quizzes to assess understanding.
- Education quizzes
A website with lots of quizzes to help you conquer the English curriculum in KS3; from grammar and speech, to writing techniques and spelling, we’ve got so much stuff to fill your curious brains.
KS4 useful websites:
- The British Library
This site is good for challenging content for English Literature. As a starting point, Google ‘British Library + Macbeth’ or ‘British Library + An Inspector Calls’ etc.
- BBC Bitesize
There’s lots here to consolidate your knowledge. There are separate areas for both English Literature and English Language. All aspects of the qualifications are covered.
- Sparknotes
Similar to to BBC Bitesize. You’ll find notes on most of the English Literature texts, plus quizzes to test your knowledge.
- Cliffs Notes
There’s plenty here to help you revise the core English Literature texts – chapter summaries, character overviews, quizzes and essay questions.
- Mr Bruff’s Youtube Channel-
Really good lessons on all of the literature and language topics to watch and revise from
- Lit Charts-
from the creators of SparkNotes. Guides to your set texts including Macbeth, A Christmas Carol, Animal farm etc.
- A list of geographical websites arranged by category
- Relevant up to date information
- Statistics about the UK
- Nasa created satellite images.
- A range of maps at different scales. UK wide
- HegartyMaths
- Corbettmaths – Videos, worksheets, 5-a-day and much more
Media Studies
OCR Media GCSE portal
- A video overview which describes what we teach in media studies at St Catherine’s and how you will be assessed. Media Studies a GCSE option on Vimeo
- We have a mobile phone revision notes app which can be installed on your phone or any other mobile device. It includes notes, sample exam model answers quizzes. Download the free copy of Microsoft PowerApps from Google Play or Apple App Store. Open the app. Log in with your email address and the app will load to your phone or tablet. The app is updated regularly and the updates to your copy of the app are automatic.
- Printable copies of our knowledge summaries for the set texts we study can be downloaded here. A useful revision and essay planning tool! HERE.
- Media Studies key words – a series of short videos made by the brilliant Mrs Fisher HERE.
- OCR J200 Media course specification, teaching notes and sample exams with model answers HERE.
- OCR Exam Practice papers, candidate exemplars and model answers HERE.
- Laura Mulvey’s Theory of Male Gaze HERE.
- Blumler and Katz Uses and Gratifications Theory HERE.
Modern Foreign Langauage
The Memrise website enables pupils to prepare for their modern foreign language lessons. By working through interactive exercises created and recorded by the St Catherine’s MFL department, pupils rapidly acquire the language that will help them succeed in lessons and exams, and eventually communicate naturally with native speakers of the foreign language that they are studying. The website is free to use. Pupils are asked to create their own accounts.
The Pearson ActiveLearn website gives pupils online access to the text books they use in lessons. Pupils are able to re-visit the reading and listening tasks that they have completed in class, in preparation for exams. The site also offers a wide range of interactive tasks that give immediate feedback to pupils on their performance in Listening, Reading, Writing and Grammar. The website is free to use. Pupils are provided with a username and password.
The Collins French-English dictionary is an excellent resource, that can be used by pupils in all year groups. The site is free to use and does not require a username or password.
The Collins French Conjugation site allows pupils to enter any form of a verb into the search bar and then see all forms of that verb, in all its tenses. This is an invaluable resource for all pupils, as it enables them easily to see how verbs can be manipulated to convey meaning in any tense. The site is free to use and does not require a username or password.
The Collins Spanish-English dictionary is an excellent resource, that can be used by pupils in all year groups. The site is free to use and does not require a username or password.
The Collins Spanish Conjugation site allows pupils to enter any form of a verb into the search bar and then see all forms of that verb, in all its tenses. This is an invaluable resource for all pupils, as it enables them easily to see how verbs can be manipulated to convey meaning in any tense. The site is free to use and does not require a username or password.
This excellent British Academy resource demonstrates to pupils how they might maximise their prospects using foreign languages.
This area of the PlanitPlus website gives advice on the many and varied uses of languages in the world of work.
- BBC Bitesize KS3 Music:
- Music Theory:
- History of Music Genres:
- Areas of Study Revision on Youtube:
- BBC Bitesize KS4 Music:
- History of Music Genres:
- Music Theory:
Religious Education
- Learn the Bible for Free Online | BibleProject™
- A website site link to Eduqas exam board digital resources for RE GCSE
- - A website link from the British Library which contains information and videos on the bible.
- – A general RE website, in which your daughter can search for subjects- could be useful to her for further reading and homework purposes.
- A link to a video of MrMacmillian RE videos for GCSE. This one is on the trinity, there are numerous other videos on the topics covered this year