Physical Education
Head of Department (HOD): Miss M. Wood
Teacher names: Miss K. Sayer, Miss L. Husband, Mrs Cernuschi & Miss E. Woodhouse
St Catherine's has developed a high-quality Physical Education curriculum that enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed. The curriculum allows pupils to develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When pupils are performing, they will learn to think about what they are doing, analyse the situation and make decisions. Pupils will also learn how to reflect on their own and others’ performances and develop ways to improve. As a result, pupils will build their confidence to succeed and excel in a number of different physical activities and gain an understanding of the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
PE across the school consists of 9 different activities, and pupils will be able to experience these within 4 week modules. Activities within the lessons are adjusted accordingly to the meet the needs of the class.
To Include:
Dance (7/8) | Trampolining | Health-Related Fitness |
Badminton | Tennis | Basketball (9/10) |
Netball | Rounders | Volleyball (9/10) |
Handball | Athletics | Rugby (7/8) |
Cricket | Football | Orienteering |
Pupils will be assessed at the end of each module according to the assessment policy of ‘Head, Heart and Hands’. The assessments will be displayed online for each pupils to access their own throughout the year and also Key Stage.
Pupils in KS3 will be expected to complete homework tasks throughout the year. These will be based on the theoretical topics in Physical Education and may include exam style questions, levelled questions, exploration tasks and analysis of performance.
Main skills developed:
The aim of this range of activities is to deepen pupil’s knowledge, skills and understanding. It will allow all pupils to become successful confident learners who make high levels of progress and achievement. The curriculum also develops pupils personally and socially. Pupils will work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness, respect and personal and social responsibility. Pupils will take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that the curriculum offers, pupils will learn to be successful and effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations. The curriculum also aims to develop the confidence and interest of the pupils, encouraging them to get involved in exercise and sport outside of school.
Exam board and full GCSE course name:
Physical Education GCSE is like no other subject as it enables pupils to develop both their mind and body. The course covers a whole range of topics including sports psychology, socio-cultural issues, anatomy and physiology, use of data in sport, health, fitness and well-being. The course looks into information such as why companies pay so much money to sponsor sport, and how the body responds to physical activity. There is a real focus on the impact that sport has on both the performer and society. Over the two-year course pupils are assessed in their theoretical understanding and practical ability. Pupils will be assessed in three sports (one in a team activity, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team or in an individual activity). Pupils are assessed on their ability to perform a variety of skills in isolation as well as their ability to perform in competitive situations. GCSE PE not only promotes and encourages a healthy lifestyle, it also encourages pupils to discuss, debate, analyse and critically evaluate numerous factors that impact upon sport and sports participation.
The final exam/practical/coursework components broken down by paper and brief content.
Theory - 60% - Component 1 Written Exam (36%)
Component 2 Written Exam (24%)
Practical - 40% - Component 3 Practical Assessment of 3 sports (30%)
Component 4 Personal Exercise Plan (10%)
Component 1 – Body Systems (36%)
Applied Anatomy and Physiology
Movement Analysis
Physical Training
Application and the use of data.
Component 2 – Heath and Performance (24%)
Health, Fitness and well-being
Sport Psychology
Socio-Cultural Influences
Application and the use of data.
Component 3 – Practical Performance (30%)
Pupils will be required to perform in 3 different physical activities in the role of a player/performer from the required list. They will be required to demonstrate skills in unopposed situations and formal/competitive situations in one team activity, one sport activity and an activity of their choice (team/individual).
The course requires pupils to perform to an appropriate level in 3 sports and, in order to be successful, it is vital that they are participating in a sport outside of school or as part of an extracurricular club.
Component 4 – Personal Exercise Plan (10%)
Pupils will be expected to improve/optimise a performance in a chosen activity. Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of training, relevant methods of training and use of data in order to analyse and evaluate their Personal Exercise Plan (PEP). The PEP will cover a 6-8 week period and will be written as a controlled assessment.
Careers Information:
Career opportunities in the sports industry aren’t limited to those with athletic prowess; there is a wide range of positions in the field for non-athletes too. These jobs support the sports industry by providing mental and physical health services, sales and marketing revenue, and sports media content. Entry requirements range from GCSEs to Degree-level and Masters Qualifications.
Exercise Physiologist
Personal Trainer
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Sports Medicine
Sports Dietician
Sports Coach
PE Teacher
Sports Official
Sports Psychologist
Sports Journalist
Sports Photography
Sports Marketing
Leisure Management
How to Support your daughter in this Subject:
The Government state that 5-18yr olds should be getting 60 minutes every day of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity. Three days a week that 60minutes should include vigorous intensity activities that strengthen muscle and bone.
Encourage your daughter to lead a full healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. Children’s physical activity habits are shaped by their parents. Parents typically act as the primary socialisation agents in children’s lives. Not surprisingly, researchers have found positive associations between parents’ and their children’s physical activity levels. Enjoy exercise/physical activity with your daughter. Going out for walks, bike rides, or any activity that will allow you to be active as a family.
- Specification - This will be a detailed list of everything you need to learn. Roughly work out how long you will need to spend on revision, breaking down the specification into smaller sections. You will find this on your google classroom page.
- Key Terms - There are numerous key terms and terminology that you need to learn. Using the keywords in your exam shows that you know what you are talking about. You can use GCSE PE revision flashcards. These will allow you to test your knowledge using flashcards, learn definitions, check spellings and even play games.
- Practice - Past paper exams are the key to your success. You can use them to test and practice your knowledge, but also look at the mark schemes as well. This will help you see how much detail the examiner is looking for in in an answer. You can find past papers on the Edexcel Website.
- Command words - When working through the past papers, you will become familiar with the range of command words used by the examination board. Use the PE Command Words in your exercise books to help your knowledge and know what the question is asking.
- AO1/AO2/AO3 – Understand the different levels of response required. Answers can range from short, simple definitions to long extended answers requiring different AO’s. Practice answers to see if you know enough detail to gain full marks for each question.
Useful Weblinks: