St Catherine's Catholic School


2024 GCSE Results

Congratulations to our amazing Class of 2024. I am exceedingly proud of all our girls in achieving remarkable results. Thank you to all my staff for supporting the girls on their journey to success.  Mrs Thompson - Headteacher

KS4 Attainment 2024

KS4 Progress 2024


KS4 Results %
English & Maths - Both Subjects 5 or Above 63.7
English & Maths - Both Subjects 4 or Above  81.6
Entries achieving a grade 9 to 7 30.8
Entries achieving a grade 9 to 5 71.0
Entries achieving a grade 9 to 4 83.8

National Data

Subject Category Year 9-7% 9-5% 9-4%
Religious Studies JCQ National Results 2024 31.08 62.04 72.53
Religious Studies St Catherine's 2024 53.06 80.61 87.76
English Language JCQ National Results 2024 15.57 46.36 61.62
English Language St Catherine's 2024 22.39 71.14 85.07
English Literature JCQ National Results 2024 20.13 56.67 73.72
English Literature St Catherine's 2024 36.32 77.61 90.05
Mathematics JCQ National Results 2024 16.74 42.43 59.55
Mathematics St Catherine's 2024 25.37 66.67 84.08


Headlines for 2023

We are very pleased to report fantastic GCSE results again. St Catherine’s is way above both Bexley and national averages. For Progress 8, which is the academic progress that pupils make from the end of key stage 2 to the end of key stage 4, we are +0.64 higher than the average score in Bexley. St Catherine's is in the top 6% nationally for Progress 8. We are incredibly proud of all the hard work from the Year 11 students (Class of 2023) and the amazing work put in by the staff. Below are a few highlights.

Headlines for 2022

We are delighted to report outstanding GCSE results and our best results to date. Bucking the national trend, results are better than last year. We are the top performing school in Bexley for Progress 8. Hugely above both the national average and the Bexley average.

We are very proud to be the top performing school in Bexley for Progress 8. This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4 compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 2. St Catherine's is above both the National and Bexley school's average.

The schools Attainment 8 score was fantastic with a result of 59.1. This score is based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, Maths, 3 English Baccalaureate subjects: including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and 3 other approved GCSE qualifications. St Catherine's was way above both the Bexley and the national average score.

The results for Grade 5 above in English & Maths are excellent. 67% of students achieved this compared to the Bexley average of 54% and the national average of 50%.

National Figures:

National St Catherine's
English Grade 4 or above 77.2% 97.09%
Maths Grade 4 or above 75.1% 87.38%
% of GCSE grades at grade 4 or above 75.3% 88.38%
% of Entries achieving a grade 7 and above 27.0% 58.73%


Attainment 8


Progress 8

*Highest score in Bexley. Bexley average score for state-funded schools is -0.09. The average score for all state-funded schools in England is -0.03


% of students achieving a grade 4 or above in English


% of students achieving a grade 5 or above in English


% of students achieving a grade 4 or above in Maths


% of students achieving a grade 5 or above in Maths


% of students achieving a grade 4 or above in English & Maths


% of students achieving a grade 5 or above in English & Maths


5 or more GCSE’s at grades 9 to 4 (Including Maths & English)


5 or more GCSE’s at grades 9 to 5 (Including Maths & English)
