St Catherine's Catholic School

School Retreats

Year 7 - School Chapel

In the Autumn Term all our Year 7 students visit the chapel for a day of retreat. Their form teacher accompany them and the day begins with a liturgy of welcome led by our Year 9 students. Throughout the day Year 7 have opportunities to reflect upon their new school and their first weeks at St. Catherine's. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know their form teacher and each other. The school chapel provides a wonderful setting for the day.

Year 8 - Aylesford:

All Year 8 students have the opportunity to visit Aylesford for a day of retreat which focusses on and celebrates God's faithful and unconditional love. The day is led by the retreat team from St. Vincent's and they take part in a variety of different sessions. The workshops remind them of their value and importance as young women created in the image of God. Students are involved in dance, art, reflection and prayer.  

This year (2022) Year 8 enjoyed a day of glorious weather as they reflected on their uniqueness and giftedness. With the theme of ‘Together we can achieve more’ they had the opportunity for Drama work, Dance or Craft.  

Year 9 - Kintbury:

Year 9 students can visit St. Cassian’s Centre Kintbury for a residential retreat. The time at Kintbury is described as a time for faith, fun and friendship.  Students have an opportunity to work with the young volunteers who live at Kintbury. These volunteers are an outstanding witness of faith and commitment. Our students participate in times of prayer, meditation, and a group Mass. They take responsibility for preparing different parts of the Mass and they always express their appreciation of their time at Kintbury.

Year 10 Aylesford:

All Year 10 students have the opportunity to visit Aylesford for a day of retreat. This year our students were welcomed on each day by one of the friars who gave them a brief introduction to the friary.

Activities included a music workshop, a craft workshop, a game of Jenga with a difference and a prayer walk in the style of walking the road to Emmaus. The days ended with a short prayer and reflection.